How and Why do M&As Fail?


M&A Operational Transition and Integration Failures:

According to a report by KPMG, approximately 83% of M&A deals fail to boost shareholder returns, largely due to operational transition and integration issues (KPMG, “Unlocking the value of M&A through integration”).

A study by the Harvard Business Review highlighted that the failure rate for mergers and acquisitions sits between 70% and 90%, often due to poor due diligence, lack of an integration plan, and cultural clashes (Harvard Business Review, “M&A: The One Thing You Need to Get Right”).

Contract Management and Document Tracking Failures:

Research by the International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM) indicates that poor contract management can result in a loss of up to 9% of a company’s annual revenue (IACCM, “Most Negotiated Terms 2019”).

A study by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that 12% of a company’s total annual costs could be attributed to dealing with the problems of poor contract management and the lack of a standardized system to handle contracts (PricewaterhouseCoopers, “The state of Contract Management”).

Risks of Inadequate Contract Tracking:

Gartner has reported that up to 10% of all contracts are lost or misplaced in an average enterprise, which can lead to significant risks, including unmet obligations, compliance issues, and financial losses (Gartner, “Improve Contract Management to Increase Efficiency and Minimize Risk”).

Aberdeen Group’s research found that poor contract management could lead to revenue losses of up to 5% annually (Aberdeen Group, “Contract Management: Optimizing Revenues and Capturing Savings”).

The Crux of the Problem

Operational inefficiencies and overlooked contractual details are often the silent deal-breakers post-M&A. Lack of a standardized contract management system further exacerbates the issue, leading to misplaced contracts and unmet obligations that can cost businesses dearly—up to 5% annual revenue loss as per Aberdeen Group’s research.  How can businesses navigate these turbulent waters? The answer lies with an Alternative Legal Service Provider (ALSP) like ours.

How to Avoid These M&A Pitfalls

We specialize in transforming the M&A experience, offering a safety net that catches these potential fallouts.

  • Streamlined Contract Transition: We provide a comprehensive review and categorization of existing contracts, ensuring seamless transition and integration, while avoiding the pitfalls that lead to the staggering failure rates reported.
  • Real-Time Tracking and Dashboards: With our sophisticated platforms, we eliminate the risk of misplaced contracts. Our real-time tracking ensures all documents are accounted for, reducing the risks highlighted by Gartner.
  • Expertise and Efficiency: Our team of experts implements best practices in contract management, mitigating the revenue losses from poor contract management as identified by IACCM and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
  • Risk Mitigation: By meticulously analyzing contract assignment language and preparing necessary communications, we mitigate risks and ensure compliance, addressing the financial leakages noted by Aberdeen Group.
  • Tailored Playbooks: Our customized playbooks outline strategic workflows, aligning with your business objectives to capitalize on broader opportunities while fostering innovation.


The path to M&A success is fraught with potential missteps, but with our ALSP’s comprehensive services, companies can significantly reduce the risks associated with operational transitions and contract management. By choosing to partner with us, you’re not just preparing for a successful merger or acquisition; you’re ensuring that your company thrives in the aftermath, realizing the full potential of your strategic endeavors.

Don’t let your M&A become another statistic. Contact us today to ensure your next deal is not only successful but sets a new standard in operational excellence and value creation.

Unveiling EQ in M&A: The Subtle Art of Contract Transition

Unveiling EQ in M&A: The Subtle Art of Contract Transition

In the grand narrative of Mergers and Acquisitions, a chapter often glossed over yet critical to the story’s success is Contract Transition. While financials, assets, and synergies capture the headlines, it’s the transition of contracts that quietly dictates the plot’s direction.

The Understated Importance of Contract Transition:

1. Ensuring Continuity: Contracts are the lifeblood of business operations. Their seamless transition is key to maintaining uninterrupted services and relationships.

2. Risk Management: Each contract carries inherent risks. Effective transition strategies are crucial to identify, analyze, and mitigate these potential pitfalls.

The Overlooked Aspect: Emotional Intelligence

Often missed in the analytical, data-driven process of M&A is the role of emotional intelligence (EQ) in contract transition. Yes, EQ! Contracts are not just legal documents; they represent relationships, expectations, and trust built over time. During an M&A, these relationships can be sensitive and need careful handling.

Why EQ Matters in Contract Transition:

1. Understanding Undercurrents:  Contracts often have histories and nuances that require more than legal expertise to decipher. EQ helps in understanding the sentiments and concerns of the parties involved.

2. Navigating Negotiations: EQ is crucial during renegotiations. It’s about reading between the lines, understanding unstated concerns, and finding common ground.

3. Facilitating Smooth Integrations: M&As can be times of uncertainty. High EQ in managing contract transitions can ease anxieties, build trust, and foster a more cooperative environment.

EQ In the Age of AI:

While AI and machine learning are revolutionizing how we handle data and contracts, the human element of EQ remains irreplaceable. It’s the subtle art of balancing the hard facts with the softer aspects of human interaction.

As we move forward in the complex world of M&A, let’s remember the power of EQ in contract transitions. It’s not just about transferring obligations from one entity to another; it’s about transitioning relationships and trust, which often holds the key to a successful merger or acquisition.

#MnAStrategy #ContractTransition #EmotionalIntelligence #BeyondTheLegalities #BusinessRelationships

Unlocking M&A Success: The Strategic Value of a Specialized Legal Services Provider during Due Diligence

Unlocking M&A Success: The Strategic Value of a Specialized Legal Services Provider during Due Diligence


The due diligence phase is the cornerstone of any merger and acquisition (M&A) deal. It’s the process that can make or break the future of a combined enterprise. In this critical stage, the value of bringing in a Specialized Legal Service Provider is often underestimated. In2edge is not just a participant in this phase; we are a strategic ally, ensuring that companies transition smoothly through the complexities of M&A.

The Specialist Advantage in Due Diligence:

1. Expert Contract Scrutiny:

In2edge brings specialized expertise in contract analysis to the due diligence table. We delve into the fine print, uncovering obligations that could pose risks and identifying opportunities for renegotiation or consolidation.

2. Risk Identification and Mitigation:

We excel in risk assessment, flagging potential legal and compliance issues before they become problematic. This proactive approach ensures that acquirers can address issues upfront, rather than dealing with costly disputes post-acquisition.

3. Enhancing Negotiation Leverage:

Armed with detailed contract knowledge, acquirers can enter negotiations with a stronger position. Our insights often lead to more favorable terms, potentially saving millions and significantly impacting the deal’s value.

4. Seamless Integration Planning:

Involving our team early paves the way for smoother post-merger integration. We identify potential operational, cultural, and technological synergies and clashes, allowing for a strategic integration plan that minimizes disruption.

5. Technological Excellence in Due Diligence:

Our cutting-edge technology platform and dashboards offer real-time visibility into the due diligence process. These tools enable us to track, manage, and report on key findings efficiently, ensuring that all decision-makers have access to the information they need when they need it.

6. AI-Powered Review and Segmentation:

We harness the power of artificial intelligence to facilitate faster reviews of contractual documents. Our AI tool aids in the segmentation of contracts, quickly categorizing them by type, risk level, and relevance, which accelerates the due diligence process and enhances the quality of our insights.

The Due Diligence Difference:

Bringing In2edge on board during due diligence changes the game. It transforms due diligence from a check-the-box exercise to a strategic, value-adding process. We ensure that no stone is left unturned, from intellectual property rights to long-term customer contracts and supplier agreements.

Client Success Story:

Consider the case of a recent customer, a large tech corporation looking to divest a business unit.  Our involvement in the due diligence process led to the discovery of some supplier contracts that concerned a potential acquirer because it would have cost the acquirer millions in long-term obligations. With our intervention, the terms were renegotiated during a transition phase, increasing the value of the business unit sale and resulting in the acquirer closing the deal. 


In the intricate dance of M&A, due diligence is where some of the most critical moves are made. By bringing in In2edge at this stage, companies not only safeguard their interests but also set the stage for a deal that delivers true value.

Call to Action:

Are you approaching an M&A deal? Let us help create a path to success and value with our due diligence contract expertise. Contact us to discover how in2edge can enhance the value and outcome of your next transaction.

Mastering Turnaround Times in Contract Management – A Realistic Perspective

In the intricate world of contract management, particularly within the scope of transition projects, understanding and optimizing turnaround times is essential. Our recent spot-check analysis provides valuable insights into the realistic timelines for contract processing, from input to execution, and the factors that influence these durations.

1. The Velocity of Straightforward Contracts:

  • Observation: For contracts that are straightforward and involve responsive parties, we’ve noted an impressive turnaround time of a week or less. This efficiency is a testament to our streamlined processes and the cooperative nature of the involved parties.
  • Key Factor: The speed in these cases is often due to the lack of complex clauses, clear terms, and the proactive engagement of all parties.

2. Navigating Complex or Slow-Response Contracts:

  • Observation: Contracts that are more complex in nature, or involve suppliers and parties who are less responsive, tend to take about a month on average. This extended time frame is reflective of the additional layers of negotiation, clarification, and coordination required.
  • Key Factor: Complexity can arise from intricate terms, higher stakes, or specific legal requirements. Additionally, when one or more parties are slow to respond, it naturally extends the timeline.

3. Addressing Outliers:

  • Observation: A few contracts are noted to take even longer than a month. These outliers often have unique circumstances that require additional attention and patience.

    Key Factor: Such delays could be due to exceptionally complex negotiation points, legal hurdles, or unprecedented challenges that arise during the contract finalization process.

Our Commitment to Efficiency and Quality:

Despite the variability in turnaround times, our commitment remains steadfast: to manage and execute contracts with an optimal blend of speed and thoroughness. Our team is equipped to handle the dynamism of contract management, ensuring that each contract, regardless of its complexity or the responsiveness of parties, is given the attention and expertise it deserves.


Understanding turnaround times in contract management is crucial for setting realistic expectations and planning accordingly. Our analysis not only sheds light on the typical durations but also underscores our adaptability and dedication to quality, even when faced with challenges. Whether a contract is straightforward or complex, our team navigates the intricacies with a focus on delivering timely and accurate results.

The True Grit of Contract Transition: Effort, Value, and Risk Reduction

In the aftermath of a corporate spin-off or M&A, the labyrinth of contract transition often emerges as a daunting challenge—one that can easily be underestimated by even the most seasoned professionals. It’s a process that requires meticulous attention, strategic finesse, and a considerable investment of effort. However, it’s a venture that, when executed proficiently, not only streamlines your current operations but also fortifies your business’s future.

The Effort Behind Transitioning Contracts

The task of transitioning contracts extends beyond mere paperwork. It involves a systematic approach that starts with a comprehensive audit and review, proceeds through negotiation and standardization, and culminates in the integration of agreements into new operational frameworks. This process demands a unique blend of legal acumen, organizational skills, and technological support.

Moreover, each contract carries its own set of obligations, rights, and stipulations which must be carefully extrapolated and understood within the context of the new business structure. It’s an intricate dance of aligning business goals with legal requirements, all while ensuring compliance and maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders.

The Worthwhile Investment

Despite the complexities and the intensive labor involved, the effort invested in contract transition is not without its rewards. Properly transitioned contracts are a cornerstone for building a solid foundation for your new or restructured entity. They act as the bedrock upon which the security and success of future operations are built.

Adding Long-Term Value

A well-executed contract transition does more than just move agreements from point A to point B. It scrutinizes and refines each clause to serve the evolved interests of the business. This process can often uncover opportunities for cost savings, identify potential avenues for growth, and streamline operations to boost efficiency.

Decreasing Risk

Risk mitigation is perhaps the most compelling argument for investing the appropriate level of effort into contract transitions. Each contract carries inherent risks, which, if not identified and managed during the transition, can manifest into larger issues down the line. Effective transition processes ensure that these risks are not only identified but also strategically managed to protect the company from future legal pitfalls.

A Case for Expert Involvement

Given the high stakes, enlisting expert help from an Alternative Legal Service Provider (ALSP) like Intuitive Edge can be a game-changer. With their seasoned team, including project attorneys and contract administrators, they bring the expertise necessary to manage high-volume and complex contract projects. Their use of advanced tools like real-time dashboards further ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.

The Bottom Line

Contract transition is a critical phase that demands respect for the level of effort it entails. However, this effort is a prudent investment in the longevity and prosperity of your business. It adds measurable long-term value and significantly decreases risk, setting a course for a stable and successful future. So, while the process might be complex, with the right strategy and partners, the benefits far outweigh the challenges.

Remember, in the world of business, especially post-M&A or spin-off, an ounce of transition effort is worth a pound of operational peace.

Strategic Procurement in M&A Transitions: Parts 1-3

Part 1 available at

Part 2 available at

Part 3 available at



Unlocking Revenue and Reducing Risk: The Power of Data Analytics in Customer Contract Management

In today’s business world, contracts are more than just legal documents; they’re strategic assets. With the rapid advancement of technology, data analytics is proving to be a game-changer in the realm of customer contract management. Let’s delve into how leveraging data analytics can help businesses optimize revenue generation and mitigate risks in their contractual dealings.
1. Enhanced Visibility into Contracts
Contracts often contain critical information buried within clauses, annexures, and footnotes. Data analytics tools can sift through these vast repositories of information, providing insights at a glance. Whether it’s tracking expiring contracts, understanding most negotiated clauses, or spotting unfavorable terms, data analytics offers a panoramic view of all contracts, helping businesses to take timely and informed decisions.
2. Revenue Optimization
Every contract has revenue implications. With data analytics:
  • Spotting Upselling & Cross-Selling Opportunities: By analyzing contract terms and customer buying behavior, businesses can identify products or services that can be cross-sold or upsold, maximizing the revenue potential of each contract.
  • Highlighting Renewals: Automated alerts about approaching renewals ensure that businesses never miss out on continued revenue streams.
  • Identifying Revenue Leakages: Data analytics can highlight overlooked contract terms or unmet obligations that could lead to potential revenue loss.
3. Proactive Risk Management
Contracts come with their share of risks. Through data analytics:
  • Risk Profiling: Contracts can be categorized based on their risk profiles, enabling businesses to prioritize their review and negotiation efforts on high-risk contracts.
  • Predictive Analytics: By analyzing historical contract data, businesses can predict potential risks, giving them a head start in addressing them.
  • Ensuring Compliance: Analytics can ensure that contracts adhere to industry regulations and internal company policies, reducing the risk of legal penalties.
4. Streamlined Negotiations
Data analytics can provide insights into frequently negotiated terms or clauses that often cause disputes. This information empowers businesses to proactively address these pain points in future negotiations, leading to faster closure of deals and better relationships with customers.
5. Enhancing Operational Efficiency
Apart from revenue and risk, data analytics also contributes to improving operational efficiency in contract management. Automated workflows, integration with other business systems (like CRM or ERP), and real-time reporting ensure that contract management becomes a smooth, integrated part of the business operations.
In an era where contracts are growing in volume and complexity, data analytics emerges as a beacon for businesses. By transforming raw contract data into actionable insights, it not only paves the way for increased revenue but also fortifies the business against potential contractual risks. In essence, data analytics in customer contract management is not just a good-to-have but a must-have for modern businesses aiming for growth and resilience.

One Roof, Double Impact: Centralizing Customer and Procurement Contracts

In the vast world of corporate dealings, contracts play an instrumental role. But, imagine the power and efficiency of managing both customer and procurement contracts under one centralized hub? Let’s explore the ideal world of centralized contract management and the manifold benefits it can usher in for businesses.

1. A Unified View for Decision-Makers

One of the primary advantages of consolidating both customer and procurement contracts into one system is the unified view it provides. Decision-makers can instantly understand the full spectrum of commitments, both from customers and to suppliers, enabling more informed strategic choices.

2. Streamlining Operational Efficiency

Handling contracts separately often means navigating through disparate systems, each with its set of workflows and processes. Centralizing contracts simplifies this by providing standardized workflows, reducing redundancies, and ensuring consistency in contract management practices.

3. Real-time Risk Assessment

Contracts, be it with customers or suppliers, come with associated risks. Centralized management facilitates a comprehensive risk assessment. By juxtaposing customer commitments against procurement obligations, businesses can spot and address potential risk areas more proactively.

4. Optimized Cash Flow Management

A consolidated view of both revenue (from customers) and expenses (to suppliers) offers businesses a clearer picture of their cash flow. This holistic perspective aids in better financial planning, ensuring that funds are allocated effectively.

5. Enhanced Negotiation Power

Centralized contract management provides businesses with actionable data. Understanding purchasing trends and customer preferences can empower companies during negotiations, ensuring that terms are favorable and in line with market trends.

6. Improved Compliance and Auditing

Having all contracts under one roof simplifies the compliance process. Whether it’s adhering to industry-specific regulations, international trade norms, or internal corporate policies, a centralized system ensures that every contract meets the stipulated criteria. Plus, auditing becomes more straightforward when all necessary data is available in a single place.

7. Seamless Integration with Other Business Tools

A centralized contract management system can easily integrate with other essential business tools, such as CRM, ERP, and financial software. This ensures that all departments, from sales to procurement, operate cohesively, amplifying overall efficiency.

8. Facilitating Stronger Relationships

Relationship management, both with customers and suppliers, becomes more streamlined with centralized contract management. Automated alerts about renewals or expirations, tracking performance against contract terms, and maintaining a history of interactions foster trust and long-term partnerships.


In the intricate dance of corporate commitments and obligations, centralizing customer and procurement contracts is akin to orchestrating a well-coordinated ballet. The harmony, clarity, and efficiency that such a system brings not only bolster operational excellence but also position businesses for sustainable growth and profitability. In this ideal scenario, companies don’t just survive; they thrive.

Harmonizing Commitments: Centralizing Customer and Procurement Contracts with a Focus on Flow-Down Terms

In the intricate tapestry of business contracts, there’s a unique dance between customer requirements and supplier commitments. This dance becomes smoother and more synchronized when both customer and procurement contracts are managed under one centralized system, especially when customer requirements necessitate the flow-down of terms to suppliers. Let’s delve into the power of centralized management in such scenarios.

1. Crystal Clear Visibility

Centralizing contracts offers a transparent view of commitments made to customers and the corresponding obligations to suppliers. This clarity is invaluable, ensuring that the terms agreed upon with customers are seamlessly reflected in the contracts with suppliers.

2. Ensuring Compliance and Reducing Risks

Flow-down terms, by their nature, are often non-negotiable and critical for compliance. Centralized management ensures that these customer-driven requirements are consistently met in supplier contracts, minimizing potential legal or operational risks.

3. Streamlined Communication

With a unified system, communication between procurement and sales teams becomes more fluid. As customer requirements change or evolve, these can be instantly relayed to suppliers, ensuring that the entire value chain remains aligned.

4. Efficient Response to Market Dynamics

When customer requirements shift due to market changes, businesses need to adapt quickly. Centralized contract management allows for rapid adjustments in supplier contracts, ensuring businesses remain agile and responsive.

5. Cost Savings

Mismatched terms between customer and procurement contracts can result in unexpected costs. By ensuring alignment through centralized management, businesses can avoid these unforeseen expenses and better manage their financial commitments.

6. Enhancing Customer Trust

Customers trust businesses to fulfill specific requirements, especially when they are contractually agreed upon. A centralized system, by ensuring that these terms are effectively flowed down to suppliers, builds and solidifies this trust.

7. Simplified Audits and Reviews

Centralized contract management facilitates easier audits. With flow-down terms, auditors can quickly verify compliance across the value chain, from customer requirements to supplier deliverables.

8. Innovation and Value Addition

Understanding the nuances of customer requirements and ensuring they are met by suppliers can lead to innovative solutions. A centralized system can spotlight areas where value can be added, fostering better products or services.


In an ideal business scenario, the synchronization of customer and supplier commitments is not just a boon but a necessity. Centralized contract management, especially focused on the flow-down of terms, not only ensures operational excellence but also builds a foundation of trust and compliance. This alignment results in a business environment where commitments are not just met, but exceeded, leading to long-term growth and sustainable success.